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Helen Mirren reveals date-rape and drug use in new interview

Oscar-winning actress Dame Helen Mirren has always been open and direct in her interviews, often times revealing her unusual Bohemian upbringing in England that was flavored by her Russian family.

Now she has revealed her fondness for recreational cocaine in the 80s, and her unfortunate date-rape incidents when she was a young woman in school.Sponsored Links:

Dame Helen, 63, spoke to Britain's GQ magazine, and admitted to dabbling with cocaine at parties until she discovered a Nazi criminal made his fortune in South America processing and distributing it.

Mirren told GQ she was date-raped "a couple of times" when she was a student but did not report the attacks because "you couldn't do that in those days."  The actress said date-rape was a "tricky area" and something men and women had to work out between themselves.Sponsored Links:

Rape was defined by the Oscar-winning actress even if a woman said "no" at the last second.

"I don't think she can have that man into court under those circumstances. I guess it is one of the subtle parts of the men/women relationship that has to be negotiated and worked out between them." Mirren explained.

The October edition of GQ also details her recreational drug use of the years.

"I loved coke. I never did a lot, just a little bit at parties," Mirren told GQ. "But what ended it for me was when they caught Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, in the early 80s.

"He was hiding in South America and living off the proceeds of being a cocaine baron. And I read that in the paper, and all the cards fell into place and I saw how my little sniff of cocaine at a party had an absolute direct route to this horrible **** man."Sponsored Links:

Mirren's interview is in the British edition of GQ, which goes on sale Thursday.

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