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Gay icon Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal has topped a poll of the Hot 100 gay icons...

The 27-year-old actor, who famously starred in a homosexual love scene with Heath Ledger in 'Brokeback Mountain', came first in the survey of 100,000 people on gay website for the second consecutive year.

The website said: "What accounts for Jake's ongoing appeal to gay men? His doe-eyed, boy next door (yet somehow smouldering) looks certainly don't hurt, but we suspect what really makes gay men go for him is that he doesn't have an issue going for us.

"Jake has done as much as any actor to show straight guys there isn't a good reason to be afraid of gay guys or gay roles."

Jake beat 'Torchwood' star John Barrowman and 'Brothers and Sister's actor Luke McFarlane to the top spot.

Meanwhile, on - the lesbian counterpart to - '30 Rock' comedienne Tina Fey came top of the Hot 100 gay women list.

Tina beat US talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, her girlfriend Portia de Rossi and 'Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines' star Kristanna Loken to first place.

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