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Jake Gyllenhaal's daddy dream

Jake Gyllenhaal wants children with Reese Witherspoon.

The 'Brokeback Mountain' star - who has been dating Reese since they met on the set of crime thriller 'Rendition' last year - is said to be desperate to marry the 32-year-old actress, who has two children with ex-husband Ryan Phillippe, so they can start a family of their own.

A source said: "Jake knows he might be jumping the gun thinking of kids, but he knows that Reese is the one. He laughs and says he needs to propose and do this the right way. It really is first comes love, then comes marriage. As cheesy as that sounds, it's the way he thinks!"

Jake reportedly thinks of Reese's children, eight-year-old Ava and four-year-old Deacon, as his own, and is determined to show the 'Legally Blonde' star he has what it takes to be a first-time father.

The source added to America's OK! magazine: "Reese has admitted that Jake has grown from when they first met into this very dependable dad type. He's ready to have his whole life change."

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